Sunday, March 14, 2010


I cherish many things about the past. My family, my grandparents, the wonderful memories of holidays gone by. But one very special part of my past is belonging to a church body of believers. To be a part of and have been a part of a church body for over thirty years is quite extraordinary especially in these transient times. Although the church has changed and we have changed, it is still the same for me. The same in the sense of comfort, security, a safe place, a SANCTUARY; a place of God's presence.

During those 30+ years, we have built twice; moved once. I saw many people come and go. Even still the church remained my sanctuary. My family and I grew up there in many ways. My two children were a part of Sunday School, the Youth Group; wonderful fellowship and friendships were made there. This place of sanctuary and the people within are family.

Coupled with the many wonderful memories of the people, the events, and the special times with God, my sanctuary has been a rock, a solid place, a place where I belonged. Since moving over an hour away, we have not been able to be a part as often as we would like. And, what is more, since we've been away, I have realized how very important it really has been and how much I miss.

I miss being surrounded by a body of believers who embrace you, care for your family, pray for you even when you are not aware. I miss the comfort of a familiar place to gather for worship, and I miss having my family around me in that place.

As I mentioned the church has changed over the years, and just recently it has changed again. A new name, a new location; many of the people I have known became part of the new and a few stayed with the former. Even with this change, one thing remains and will always remain. This is my church, my sanctuary. The place I have found comfort, security, love, God's presence, fellowship and laughter. NOTHING can replace the memories I hold so dear. If I could, I would erase these past five years and find myself back home again. But as I have learned in life, God's purpose and timing is perfect, and change is part of that purpose.

So I will be content and know that "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."