Saturday, September 25, 2010

Two Blinded Sides by Leah Neill


There are those who want to be different; have a different lifestyle. They care more about fitting in and being cool. When there are people who care more about being themselves and being true. I have two blinded sides of me. I always care about me looking great and being cool. But I also care about who I really am. I always said I'm going to be who I am and not be ashamed. But when the reality comes near, you change sides and be who you want. It's hard to be two blinded because then you don't know who you are. I know who I want to be though. Whenever I think of me having fame I think of how I would get there. By being who I'm not or by being who I am.

You always wonder about what people think of you when you walk into the room. When you should really think about how you really are in the heart. When I think about God, I think about why he created me. But then I say because I have a purpose. I have a chance to do what I'm best at. I just can't wait till that moment comes; when I just know where I have to stand. I have two blinded sides of me, but I have chosen to be who I really am.

Leah Neill