Sunday, July 31, 2011

Storms of Life 01/2011

Many of us and probably all of us have weathered storms. Not storms with thunder clouds and lightening bolts but storms of life. These storms roll in and strike us, disabling us from our normal lives. Often the storms disable us from service to God as well. We ask ourselves why? why these storm clouds gather over us. We are God's children; are we not protected under His sheltering arms? Of all of God's promises in Scripture we find safe harbor, refuge, strength during our weaknesses, answers to prayers, His abiding Presence, and His peace. In the midst of Life's storms we find Him, but never an escape from storms. We are not disillusioned; Christians are not exempt. Storms come to all on this earth, in this life.

Theologians offer various explanations for these storms; personal growth, character development, testing, or to bring glory to God as an example to others. At times, we do not know the whys and we may not have an answer this side of eternity. But our trust holds firm in Him.

The storms will come and go; they will subside and we will grow from those times of life. BUT, what happens when a Tsunami hits? A Tsunami is not a typical storm that breaks over us and darkens the sky for a moment. A storm comes with the knowledge that at the end, a rainbow will spread across the once darkened sky and bring us blue again. A Tsunami comes in unexpected and completely destroys all in its path. A Tsunami wipes out miles of land mass and buildings and vegetation once occupied there. And, Tsunami's destroy people in it s path. Some escape, some who were in the right place at the right time. People who clung to a heavy structure or those who climbed higher up the mountain. But even those who escape the devastation of the Tsunami have to deal with its aftermath. There is debris and broken buildings to clean up. There are injuries to be mended and healed.

A Tsunami can hit your life in the spiritual sense as well. Its purpose is to completely destroy all you have known and all you though you were. The destruction is massive and difficult to clean up; difficult but not impossible. A Tsunami has hit our family recently. In its wake, we have lost jobs, our home, our church family, connections, reputations, and our future plans. What is left must be repaired.

Because our faith is based on God and not circumstances, whatever is lost is only temporal. God promises never to leave us nor forsake us. And, He has made the promise to us that ALL things happen for the good...............if our faith is fixed we weather the Tsunami too. We clean up the devastation as best we can, allowing God to deal with its aftermath. The Tsunami we will not forget and we must not forget. For it has change us. Whatever we thought we were, whatever our lives once were is gone. We begin again with that ever sure foundation of God's enduring love and promises. We know that His love is perfect and His plan is perfect. Although the Tsunami brings devastation, God restores, We rest in perfect peace in Him.


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